Well, here I am...packed and ready to go. The boys and I are leaving out on Monday, at some point and heading North. I have it mapped out through Aug. 2 and will keep everyone posted along the way. My plan is to blog after I leave a location for safety reasons. I have already learned so much about myself just during the short time I have been off and the next month will be even more "life schooling".
The packing process has been quite intense.... I am a person who likes to plan and organize so you can imagine what you think you might need for a 3 month trip!! Then I did remember there were these things called towns and stores along the way that I could buy what I need but it was to late!! I had made a trip to a super store and bought tons of canned beans, food and dried 20 #'s of fruit (gonna have the best GI system in the West!) I have purchased some great, can't live without items along the way, i.e. a portable toilet, a portable hammock, a Thule storage case and a new tent. I made my own first aid kit bc I didn't like the one's our there! (not first aidy enough) I have 4 Totes, a cooler, a large duffel bag and numerous small bags, sleeping bag, camping chair and DOG FOOD.... Yes, hopefully the tires won't bust when we start driving due to weight! And the boys!! As you can see, they will have it made. Heck, I want to sleep back there! Their water bowl travels well and the lattice is plastic. Just a little reinforcement if the doors comes open, they won't bolt.... Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers along the way. I need and appreciate them. I want to especially thank my best and dearest friend, Lori. She has helped with so many things along the way---it would have been hard to accomplish all this without her.
Love the lattice idea!